Latest News and Actions
PHMSA Highlights

PHMSA By the Numbers
- 3.3 MillionMiles of Regulated Pipelines
- 1.2 MillionDaily Shipments of Hazardous Materials
- 16,700Underground Natural Gas Storage Wells
- 1.6 BillionTons of Hazardous Materials Shipped Annually by All Modes
- 64%of U.S. Energy Commodities Transported by Pipeline
Safety Initiatives
Unsure if you're shipping Hazmat? DOT's Check the Box Can Help.
Quick Links

Regulations, interpretations, rules, approvals and permits, and bulletins for pipeline and hazmat safety.

Incident forms, regional office contacts, and general information on PHMSA enforcement programs.

PHMSA tracks data on the frequency of failures, incidents and accidents.

Information and updates for PHMSA's responses to recommendations from the National Transportation Safety Board.

Access forms for the Operator Registration System, hazmat registration, incident reporting and more.

PHMSA offers state grants through several programs and partnerships for pipeline and hazmat safety.

PHMSA projects to improve the safety and reliability of hazmat transportation by all modes, including pipelines.

Resources about hazardous materials and pipeline approvals and permits processes, as well as the ability to search existing approvals and permits.